akizhao on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/akizhao/art/The-death-is-called-92409568akizhao

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Daily Deviation

July 9, 2009
The death is called by ~akizhao. From the suggester: "You know the feeling you get when you see something so awesome you just need to share it with 7 million people? That's exactly what I feel when I look at "The death is called" by akizhao. Everything in this piece is jaw dropping, from the superb use of colours to the intricate detailing in the armour as well as the dreadful feeling coming from it make this fan artwork a masterpiece!"
Featured by aunjuli
Suggested by rydi1689
akizhao's avatar

The death is called



Draw for a match
Image size
755x1200px 890.19 KB
© 2008 - 2024 akizhao
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Zireael07's avatar
This is amazing!